(p.43) 'Black and white photographs embody the magic of theoretical thought since they transform the linear discourse of theory into surfaces. Herein lies their peculiar beauty, which is the beauty of the conceptual universe. Many photographers therefore also prefer black-and-white photographs to colour photographs because they more clearly reveal the actual significance of the photograph, i.e. the world of concepts.'
(p.45,46) 'Reduced to basic elements, photographers intentions are as follows: first, to encode their concepts of the world into images; second, to do this by using a camera; third, to show the images produced in this way to others so that they can serve as models for their experience, knowledge, judgement and actions; fourth, to make these models as permanent as possible. In short: Photographers' intentions are to inform others and through their photographs to immortalize themselves in the memory of others. For photographers, their concepts (and the ideas signified by these concepts) are the main raisons d'etre for taking photographs, and the camera's program is in the service of those raisons d'etre.'
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